Chantal Jackson

Chantal Jackson

Registered Psychologist,
Certified Hakomi Therapist

en français

Chantal is a Registered Psychologist with the College of Alberta Psychologists and is a Certified Hakomi Therapist with the International Hakomi Institute. She has completed additional training in trauma, specific learning disorders, mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy, and ADHD.

Chantal’s therapeutic stance is simple: creating a safe space with clients, to gently explore thought processes and beliefs that are no longer serving them. From a place of compassion and non-judgment, Chantal supports clients as we mindfully unpack the “noise” attached to past experiences. This allows clients to process information from cognitive, emotional and intuitive places, allowing all three realms to come together. This is how we truly become whole: when the three realms work together in harmony.

Chantal has a special interest in working with adults who have ADHD, and in educating parents and support people regarding the ADHD struggles of the young folks in their lives. Chantal is passionate about increasing compassion and care for neurodiverse children and adults.

Chantal has been working in private practice since 2015, providing individual therapy to children, adolescents and adults, and conducting psychoeducational assessments for children and adults. Prior to working in private practice, Chantal’s work was school-based, working to increase teacher and staff capacity and to support students. Chantal also has experience working in addictions, with adults and youth, particularly those who are reluctant to pursue treatment.

Chantal provides therapy in person in Spruce Grove and virtually, for folks from Alberta.

Originaire de la région de Rivière la Paix en Alberta, Chantal est finissante d’une école immersion. Elle a poursuit ses études posté-secondaires à la Faculté Saint-Jean à Edmonton, où elle a obtenu un Baccalauréat-ès-arts (distinction) en psychologie en 2003. En 2008, elle a obtenu sa maîtrise en Counselling Psychology de City University of Seattle.

En pratique privée depuis 2015, Chantal travaille avec les enfants, les adolescents et les adultes. Elle offre aussi des évaluations psychoéducatives pour explorer les forces et les faiblesses cognitives, académiques et développementales des enfants et des adultes, avec le but de faciliter l’apprentissage et le fonctionnement quotidien.

En 2018, Chantal a complété une formation de trois ans, et est devenue Certified Hakomi Therapist. Elle incorpore les principes de Hakomi dans son travail thérapeutique, lui permettant de créer une sécurité relationnelle avec ses clients. Dans ce contexte, nous pouvons explorer les difficultés du présent et du passé, afin de diminuer le “bruit” qui prévient l’épanouissement personnel.

Chantal offre des consultations en personne à Spruce Grove, et virtuelles, pour les gens de l’Alberta.

Tanya Camp

I am a graphic designer and website developer with 24+ years of professional experience. My background is in visual communication design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a diploma in New Media Design from the University of Alberta. My focus includes print design, identity systems, marketing design, user experience, usability, and website design. I enjoy collaborating and developing custom-fit solutions, focusing on highly usable yet visually beautiful deliverables.

Kate Schneider